Affiliates (folks that we have partnered with to bring you special items and discounts):
Want to Create a Food Forest and Grow 3-5X More Food?
🔎- Check out Will Horvath’s Farm Design Course from Permaculture Apprentice:

Check out the NEW 2024 Homesteading Bundle from Permies, which has 35 e-books, courses, videos.
What I really liked:
- The Backyard Forest Garden e-book
- Agroforestry
- Restoration Agriculture: Designing Your Perennial Farm presentation from Permaculture Voices by Mark Shepard
- Permaculture Thorns, A Book About Trying to Build Permaculture Community, by Paul Wheaton.
- Plus 2 books by Nicole Sauce.
Toolbox for Sustainable City Living – Compost, rain harvesting, worms, tree crops and food forests, handling waste water, solar power, passive solar, and more.
Even though this is for city sustainable living, it has a lot of cool projects that work on your homestead too.
If you don’t want the whole bundle, check out Paul Wheaton’s book – Building a Better World in your Backyard- Instead of Being Angry at Bad Guys
Check out Paul Wheaton’s book – Permaculture Thorns, which has interesting and amusing stories of people trying to form intentional community. People think that they have the same vision and goals – until they live together and decisions on money and conflict arise. They quickly find out that absolute consensus (and even democracy) don’t work in an intentional community. If you are thinking of forming an intentional community (including that libertarian utopia) then you need to read this book. Just $15.
The top issues faced by folks trying to create an intentional community: 1) money, 2) clear written agreements, 3) conflict resolution.
Another book that has helped me wrap my head around intentional community:
Recommendations and Resources:
All of these things we have used and recommend.
Live Not By Lies – by Rod Dreher.
This book rocked my world in 2020 and 2021, especially Section 2 where the Eastern European Christians who did not go along with the Bolsheviks were pushed to9 the margins of society, and Section 3 about how Christians survived the gulag.
Holistic Homesteading by Roxanne Ahern:
Farm Innovators 4250 Incubator. This is the incubator that I use.
Surviving the Future by David Fleming and Shaun Chamberlin.
The title of this book inspired Thriving the Future Podcast.
Surviving the Future is a more digestible version of Lean Logic: A Dictionary for the Future and How to Survive It, a thick book which deep dives culture, community, debt, growth, de-growth, and assumes our problems can be handled in a Lean manner, all local. Highly recommended, if you are into localism, community, and remarkable Hope, despite an uncertain future.
Holistic Homesteading by Roxanne Ahern:
Cotton Crochet Market Bags – Washable Crochet Grocery Bags – Reusable Crochet Produce Shopping Bags
I use these for storing veggies in the basement, hanging from nails on the rafters.
Nuun Sport: Electrolyte Drink Tablets, Strawberry Lemonade. Pack of 4.
This is a good Gatorade substitute, minus the bad stuff. I use this for rehydrating after working in the garden, and when we are sick.
Wildcrafting Soda and Brews:
The Wildcrafting Brewer: Creating Unique Drinks and Boozy Concoctions from Nature’s Ingredients:
How to Make Vinegar:
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