A Perfect Day – Sometimes it’s the Little Things that Make the Perfect Day

Editor’s Note:

As Perpend related in Ep. 14 of Thriving the Future Podcast, his Perfect Day looks like a fairly average day that many would not see as anything special. But it has space, it has room to think, to relax, to breathe, while still Getting Stuff Done.

“The whole point is living a life of intention and designing your life around that intention”.

– Perpend

Perpend’s Perfect Day

I noticed one of the small oak trees did not make it through winter. I decided to repurpose the spot.

Perpend in the Ditch_med
Abundance all around – even by the side of the road

I took a short ride down the road to collect wild lilies by the side of the road. Lesson: There is abundance all around. Get out of the scarcity mindset and see the abundance.

Perpend digging_sm

Pro tip: always bring a paper bag or tarp for the dirty tools.

Stopped by my favorite local coffee shop to drop off some wild flowers to a friend. In the end, some of the lily flowers probably would not survive transplanting, so it is better that their beauty be shared.

Share the beauty

Fixing the bed around the tree with spare garden pavers

Back home I used some spare garden border pavers to surround the area to keep my lilies from be mowed down.

Pro tip: watch Facebook marketplace for cheap garden supplies. If you do not mind differing blocks around the place they are a good way to mark “this is my garden bed, you better not weed eat or mow it”. (I seem to be the only one that can see the transition from lawn to garden here)

Using the garden fork to turn over the soil

With the garden bed marked by pavers, I use a garden fork to turn and break up the ground for planting.

I spread a mix of buckwheat, alfalfa and sunflower seed to fill in bare areas until I decide what else to plant here.

Spreading a mix of buckwheat, alfalfa and sunflower seed

I used a trowel to make holes for the lilies. Planted them and made sure the sod was all grass side down. Next I mulched with removed tree branches and wood chips from the chicken brooder.

Mulching with wood chips from the chicken brooder

Pro tip: use what is appropriate. Problem: I have had trouble with these tall Shepard hooks that are attached to my bird feeders. They come loose or get caught by the Kansas Winds that spring load and catapult my birdfeeders. Solution: I wired them together with a short T-post to add rigidity.

Wiring the T-posts together for added rigidity

Sunrise on the Kansas homestead

The rest of the day was spent in contemplation – reading and praying.

What does your Perfect Day look like?

Tip: It is important to design and live an intentional life NOW, not so far in the future that it is irrelevant or doesn’t matter.

Waiting for “just until I pay off my house” is the Toolbox Fallacy, an excuse that will not allow you to move forward. If you wait until you retire then you will have “given your best days to others” and “wasted your days in vanity”.

Do a self inventory to design your intentional life:

  • Step 1. Write down what you value.
  • Step 2. Choose 3 activities for each one to support that value.
  • Step 3. Give yourself permission to do what needs to be done.
    • Why do you need permission? You may be surprised. It opens the mind to other options. Helps you think outside the box.

More on these exercises in Thriving the Future Podcast Ep. 5 – Living an Intentional Life.

All pictures on this page by Hannah Byrd at MyHBCreations. Also follow Hannah – @MyHBCreations on Twitter.

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I am wander in search of Truth. I consult on homestead projects, gardens and website design. You can occasionally find me on Thriving The Future podcast, and Telegram. I have written articles for The homestead Journal and here at Thriving News with a few others scattered around the internet.