How to Grow Chestnut Trees From Seed


Step by Step – From Seed to Garden Bed You want to grow chestnuts from seed, but don’t know where to start? You have come to the right place. This will give you a step by step guide to grow chestnuts from seed – from foraging the seed, to sprouting, to transplanting. Cross posted from … Read more

Food Forest Walkthrough, Year 3 – What Worked and What Didn’t

comfrey in bloom

Permaculture – Your Plants Will Tell You What They Want by Thriving…Or Not In my previous article, How I created a Food Forest, I documented what I did in 2021 to turn an 80’x30′ corner of my pasture into a permaculture orchard/food forest. The Original Design The original design included hand dug swales, and rows … Read more

How I Created a Food Forest – from Design to Delivery

permaculture orchard2

Permaculture Orchard from Design to Delivery Chestnuts, apples, hazelnuts, asparagus, herbs like Wormwood and mint, comfrey, blackberries, Milpa garden beds, and annual beds. In Spring 2021, I extended my homestead/permaculture orchard by 80 feet. This was the initial design: Initial rough design. Bet you can’t read my handwriting! This was a section at the edge … Read more